Tuesday, October 19, 2010


hey guys what do you think about love? is any one in love right now? do you think love is something great or not so good? well i am in love for the last like 4 years with the same guy who i love to death!! so what do you think of love?


  1. yeah, love is a beautifull feelin weahter being in love with someone or a friend, or a family, there's the feeling of love and from my experience its the same feeling. love creates the true reaity of life

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think love is a great, awesome and wonderful feeling to have for someone that you want in your life. Of course Im not in love because the feeling that I have for her (which is Ziollara) they haven't invented the word to describe that feeling!! I sorry ms. cooper and I'm sorry babe please don't get mad with me but I love you!!

  4. Let me make something clear about the comment that i have done on October 19, 2010 at 8:50 pm. what i mean is that i love her to death, that i would give up my life for her and i would do anything for her just to make her happy! If any viewer have a one word to describe all of these feelings please post it here so thatk i can use it. The love of my life which is Ziollara Martinez!!
